Fat experiences

Losing control

I reached my goal weight in 2020 and decided to not actively gain. I naturally gained a bit more because of my increased appetite but I had been roughly the same weight for a couple of years now and I thought I was happy with that.

Recently, I took my partner to a meet. They knew I was into feederism and would play with my belly but that was it. After the meet, they said they felt like they were actually a feeder and liked the idea of me getting plumper.

It was so exciting but I feel like I’m so close to losing control and gaining properly again and it scares me a little. I’m still kind of watching what I eat, while my partner brings a lot more snacks and cooks bigger portions for me.

Has anyone else felt like they were losing control after their goal changed and aren’t sure whether to actually continue?

I really thought I wouldn’t get any fatter than 300lbs but I really don’t know anymore and I’m scared to just fully let go
2 years

Losing control

I’ve been out of control for several years already and I’ve never even been an active gainer. I mean I have short bursts here and there’s, a few weeks of gaining. But I’ve never had a goal weight and never tried to gain weight for more than short periods.
I just keep getting bigger constantly.
2 years

Losing control

You’re already 300 what’s some more?
2 years

Losing control

You’re already 300 what’s some more?

I know it’s so tempting, I’m currently 317lbs and the softness feels great. I just worry I won’t be able to stop
2 years

Losing control

I know I probably couldn't stop, so I just go for MORE. Double what a thin person couldn't finish. A little extra on that. Another helping. Some more after, when no one's looking.
2 years

Losing control

Hah,, I have to apologize because I’m sure you’re looking for real advice from people who have been in your shoes before, and I have never experienced that. The encourager in me just loves soaking in the thought of how you’re living the dream of so many people, and wants to say “go for it!” But it’s not actually helpful 😅
2 years

Losing control

I know the feeling and I too fear losing control again.
There is a point where doing simple things becomes difficult because you are so fat.
People with a fantasy that are around you most of the time fail to see that as a problem.
2 years

Losing control

I know the feeling and I too fear losing control again.
There is a point where doing simple things becomes difficult because you are so fat.
People with a fantasy that are around you most of the time fail to see that as a problem.

Thanks and yeah, that’s what I’m worried about. I really enjoy feedism but the thought of losing control and being unable to do certain things is worrying. I have spoken to my partner though about this and we are just trying to enjoy it but not full time
2 years

Losing control

The last time I dieted before January when I had crossed the “300 lbs rubicon” so to speak was when I cut weight for wrestling when I was like 145 pounds, it is so hard to diet when you have such a big appetite and working out is such a pain would not recommend. That being said it is serious life changing commitment to gain after 300, I am just about 350 and I can feel the difference between now and a few months ago.

Congrats on your partner coming around. Yay!
2 years

Losing control

First reply ever but I feel like it’s relevant here. On vacation I took a woman out I’d never met, this was last weekend, she is a large women 440 @ 5’4”

She was gorgeous and told me she decided a year ago she was going to enjoy food, life, and not the gym anymore.

She has gained over 100 pounds in a short time and loves her body. As did I!!!!! She was super open about her path to this decision but It has come with work around issues. She gets winded very easy, shoes are harder to put on etc,

I asked her if she had plans to stop her “enjoyment” she said not sure how anymore, I love my food, eat what I want, yeah it’s harder but I don’t mind it.

Watching her walk, do simple tasks, us trying to get seated at a restaurant all were just a bit more taxing. So I completely get your positions here ladies. Yes it’s my preference to feed, grow, love and admire you, but I don’t walk in your shoes

Do what feels right I guess
2 years
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